When I read something that leaves me altered in its wake, visit a new place -- near or far -- that lingers within my cells long after I've left, or settle seamlessly into a layered discussion with a friend who left me a better version of myself than before we spoke, I feel as though I've sunken my taste buds into a decadent, don't-want-it-to-end, Truffle.
In bringing Truffld to life and to you -- this new, mixed-media publication is an extension of my existing and extensive journalism and tech entrepreneur background. Truffld is borne of a whisper that became too loud to ignore, even though at times I dampened its call to me when I should have turned my ear toward it, knowing that if and when I did listen, I wouldn't be able to turn back from a mission much larger than myself.

My singular, wholehearted aim and wish for you is that through this unique content -- a dollop of news, interviews, humanity, health, and innovation -- you're transported for a moment, expanded in some capacity, even pushed forward an inch or a mile toward something that feels bigger than you that I hope won't allow you either to turn back. If even a molecule of this sentiment reverberates as you dive into this platform...you're already Truffld.
Truffld Founder and Editor-in-Chief,
Victoria Oldridge