Wonderfood: Shatavari

We're pouring a bit of this in our next smoothie -- the potent wonder, Shatavari.

Food Feb 1, 2021

What is Shatavari? Asparagus racemosus, is a species of asparagus indigenous to the Himalayas and India. It's a medicinal herb considered to be one of the most potent herbs used in Ayurvedic medicine.

Benefits of Shatavari: In both men and women, the potential impact of shatavari are vast – from stress reduction, increased libido, and improved immune system, to cough relief, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

For women specifically, the benefits may include: enhanced fertility, menstrual cramp relief, increased milk production in lactating women, reduction in menopausal symptoms, and overall hormonal balance.

Shatavari root powder
Shatavari root powder

How to consume Shatavari: Oftentimes, the root and leaves of Shavatari are used, and can be taken as a powder, a tablet, or a liquid extract. The most common Ayurvedic practice is to use the powder form because tasting the herb initiates the digestive process. Shatavari is traditionally mixed with a glass of warm milk and sugar or honey, but can be mixed into a wide range of dishes, drinks, and teas.

Recommended dosing: 500 to 1,000 mg twice daily.

Where to purchase: Buy on Amazon, The Vitamin Shoppe

*This information is intended for educational purposes only. Consult with your doctor prior to consuming this product.

*Truffld does not profit from the above companies.


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