Wonderfood: Aronia Berry
Where have you been all my life? This potent superfood is top of list this week.
By Truffld Editorial
What is an aronia berry?
Aronia (AKA "Chokeberry"– don't let that scare you – named this due to the sharp, mouth-drying effect) is a type of shrub native to North America that can also be found in Eastern Europe.
What's in them?
These berries are known for their polyphenol content, with some data showing the little blueberry-looking fruit having the highest polyphenol content of 143 plants. Aronias contain anthocyanins (a class of flavanoids), vitamin C – among other vitamins – minerals, and fiber.
What are some of the potential the health benefits?
- Organ health
- Vascular health
- Anti-diabetic effects
- Anti-cancer effects

Ways to consume aronia berries
They can be eaten in the raw form, as well as juiced, in baked goods, or taken in extract form via dietary supplements.
Nutritional content (per 3/4 cup)
- Calories: 47
- Fat: 0.5g
- Sodium: 1mg
- Carbohydrates: 9.6g
- Sugars: 4.3g
- Fiber: 5.3g
- Protein: 1.4g
Are there associated risks?
So far, there are no evidenced-based, well-documented cases of adverse effects, though it's possible some might be allergic to aronia (derived from the same family as blackberries).
Where to buy
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